Sunday, January 27, 2013

something beautiful is calling you...

…a movement from within, urging you to
leave the safety of the known.

It is a deep and organic process,
very much like when the seed, contained, perfect in itself,
is moved from within by an unstoppable yearning
to taste itself in all its expressions.

The treasure that was hidden within it
is risking everything it knows
just to 
dance tango with the winds,
loose itself in wet french-kissing with the rain.
Just to for once be fully
seen by the sun, the hottest lover in the world.

A few moments,
(maybe two, or four, or thousand, hey, maybe even a million moments and more!)
immersed in it all
… and then death.

Shivering in the holy vulnerability

of flaunting its naked “here-I-am-ness” to the world,
it knows that it is, at last, filling its place in the totality of all things.
Each moment, not always pleasant,
yet hundred percent fulfilled.

Remember that a caterpillar sheds its skin again and again
to be strong enough for the beauty that awaits.

It sometimes takes time, 
and yes,
there are times when the growing pains 
make you want to
cancel the whole damn human experience.

But from deep below it is emerging,

Her divine pressure,
a cracking of the surface
of the outgrown ideas 
of who you have taken yourself to be.

And you know that it is time,
for something beautiful.

Go down to your deep old heart, 

and lose sight of yourself.
And lose sight of me, 

the me whom you turbulently loved.

Let us lose sight of ourselves,

and break the mirrors.
For the fierce curve of our lives

is moving again to the depths
out of sight, in the deep living heart.
~ D.H. Lawrence

:: Practice ~ Listen to the unborn
Take some time to be intimate with that which
is not born. Listen within. Fine tune your inner compass.

The inner birthing process is often speaking without words,
it is sometimes very subtle, but not less valuable.

And yes, sometimes it do come in roars,
there is no template for this. 
It is the new!

Pay attention to the impulses that moves you.
Do they feel fresh?
Do they feel automatic?
Do they feel outdated?

Cultivate sensitivity for the organic process
happening in the Deep Living Heart

With Love

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